The purpose of this webpage is to report on the total cost for sewer and stormwater system renewal, replacement and expansion, including regulatory changes, for the next 40 years in Utah.  The planning period will be through 2060.

The intent is to produce a defensible cost number, while not completing detailed masterplans for each entity. These costs will be based on uniform assumptions and may not reflect individual treatment or collection facility needs accurately.  There is confidence in the total number, however specific details may be over or under stated. 

It is also understood that life expectancy of treatment, collection, and stormwater facilities varies substantially based on original construction materials and methods, and also on the extent of maintenance, corrosive conditions or unusual wear that may be present. 

This report will provide details, but in summary, in order to pay for needed improvements the cost per household may be as high as $28/month beginning immediately.

Summary Cost Brochure

By clicking on the link below, you can access a summary brochure for all the estimates associated with this project.

Estimating Guidelines

By clicking on the download button, you can review the guidelines used to establish the estimates presented in this webpage.

Population Projections for this report were from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah. Clicking the link below will take you to Utah’s Long-Term Demographic and Economic Projections Summary.